Sunday, July 10, 2011

my baby alvin

To my baby boy,

This your mother who loves you very much. You are the most important thing in our lives. You have gave us a scare on the 25th of June, but I guess that heavenly father has a different plan for you. I was in the hospital with you for 5 days, and let me tell you little man that it was tough, but I did all for you. I am on bed rest, trying to do whatever it takes to keep you in. it is rough, but I love you so much, and so does your daddy. We are so happy to bring you in our lives, and I can't wait to hold you in my arms, but only when the time is right.

We love you Alvin, and always remember that
your mommy, and daddy


  1. Hi Stephanie! I am so glad to find you. I actually went through Google blog search and there you were! I hope you keep up with blogging when you get time. Its a wonderful way to keep up a journal. And you can look back on it later and read through all the memories you shared. Its great. Love you and Take Care!! :)
